Philly Financial Coach

Anitra Bunn

About Anitra

A native of Philadelphia, Anitra is a 9-times Amazon Best selling author under the pen-name, Yani, which has allowed her to do book signings in her native city, as well as other areas such as Houston, Texas where she was a featured author for the Houston Black Book Festival in 2013. In 2016, a chance meeting introduced Anitra to the Financial Services industry, where opportunities have been unlimited. Placing her writing on pause, Anitra now holds life insurance licenses in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, New York, Michigan, Texas, Maryland, Washington, D.C, North Carolina and South Carolina, and has been able to help numerous families through her passion for teaching financial literacy to others, and helping them create generational wealth instead of generational poverty.

Anitra grew up in Norman Blumberg projects in North Philly before moving to Germantown with her family in the mid '90s. Money was always scarce, however, she watched her mother work diligently to make a way out of no way, with not much financial literacy. After learning how money works and how to create passive streams of income, Anitra vowed to share this information with as many people as possible, to help make a positive impact in people's lives, financially.

For over five years, Anitra has used her voice on social media platforms to teach the financial concepts she has learned and continues to learn, to help families become properly protected through low cost life insurance, debt free, and financially independent.

As a person who came from one of the most impoverished parts of the city, Anitra understands the importance of not only making smart money decisions, but gains joy in being able to help others place themselves in a financial position where they can make decisions based on their heart and not their pockets.

The only thing
worse than having
no life insurance, is
having the wrong
life insurance...

Stay Ready So
You Don't Have
to Get Ready

Right now, there are 638,637 funeral campaigns on GoFundMe. A life insurance policy for an amount that fits your budget can be the difference between your family grieving emotionally and financially, and only grieving emotionally.

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