We seek the best value for your products. We negotiate optimal terms with the factories and establish clear contract protocols to protect your orders and ensure compliance. We monitor and insure that pricing stays at optimal local market rates.
Quality control at CPG starts before the order is placed. Factories have to be qualified before orders are placed, product requirements must be clearly understood. Every product sourced through CPG goes through our proprietary QA process. We use detailed specifiers to lock in product specifications and quality control. Every order should be inspected.
We achieve 99% on-time delivery with our systems. Success depends on managing the whole process. We supervise all elements of the production and work closely with the factories to make sure the goods will ship on time. We provide a clear, real-time overview of the timing of your orders with our shipping schedule.
We are highly specialized. The management of the first segment of the China supply chain is the only work we do. And we have been doing that, fine-tuning it, improving it, since 1978.
China Performance Group offers you your own branch office in China. What you get is a professional, very experienced, managed solution. We first learn your needs and objectives, we then evaluate the resources necessary to achieve your goals, after which we provide you with the right-size package of our Ultimate China Sourcing Solution™. You end up with your own dedicated sourcing team (ask us about our “Inside Team “ concept) that will manage all the sourcing processes you asked for.
This is a dynamic China sourcing team that manages your needs and protects your interests by executing your vision. It runs on a 30-day pulse (ask us about the monthly pulse of the China sourcing solution™) which keeps you in control.
Having an on-site sourcing team makes all the difference. We work with your existing factories or find the best factories for your products. The process includes a focus on the three essentials for a successful sourcing program and applies efforts according to your immediate needs.
Our China office is based in Beijing and acts as an extension of your home office. The capital of China is an optimal sourcing location with the best.
This location facilitates meetings with suppliers from all regions of China because they enjoy visiting the city. It is an excellent base of operation for our clients. No matter whether they are big or small, our clients get access to a team of specialists in sourcing, quality control, logistics, and, through their own sourcing team, tap into the vast amount of practical knowledge of the business of China Sourcing we have acquired since 1978.
All Sourcing Teams consists of
Your Sourcing Team is flexible and scalable. It can consist of many people with different functions, or it can be very small with a sharp focus on a limited mission. All teams tap into the whole CPG structure on an as-needed basis to meet the specific needs and fulfill the objectives of our clients.
The Quality Assurance team oversees all the necessary steps required by our proprietary system to enforce conformity with client requirements and prevent quality issues from occurring. They work closely with the Sourcing Team on all products.
"CPG has helped me understand and navigate my supply chain in an extremely valuable and comprehensive way that I thought was not possible before I began working with them. They are truly industry experts, and they think of ideas I would not have thought of myself to help make my supply chain efficient."
Melissa Pillion
"Managing the purchasing for a small business, I was looking for financially viable ways to expand our production line while maintaining the highest quality standards. We found CPG to be indespensible for our offshore manufacturing."
Manuel Alaez
Rogue Concepts
"Working with CPG opens the door for possibilities in China sourcing that were not accessible for us. Their services save my company time, money, and reduce travel needs. Plus, they’re always very pleasant to work with!"
Heinrich Guth
Heras Fencing Systems
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