We provide X-Rays to determine the severity of your injury and the best possible treatment plan to get you back on your feet.
Our lab is able to provide strep screens, blood work analysis, pregnancy tests, urinalysis, and other testing to answer your immediate health care concerns. We also perform COVID-19 Testing.
We utilize EKG testing to evaluate heart rhythm, abnormalities, and more. Our EKGs are administered quick and painlessly.
Need more than a Band-Aid? We provide laceration suturing and wound care for injuries that are not life threatening.
Is it fractured or strained? Upon evaluation of your injury a splint or cast may be provided.
Treatments for asthma and respiratory illnesses are provided for breathing ailments that are not life threatening.
Sometimes patients need a kick-start to recovery. We offer antibiotic injections to help them get to recovery quickly.
Common prescription medicines are available right after your visit for convenience.
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