Investments For


In Germany

As an American in Germany, can't invest? We've got a solution!

Our partner accepts American clients and helps you invest in a tax-compliant way. Book a consultation today!

Investments for


In Germany

As an American in Germany, can’t invest? We’ve got a solution!​

Our partner accepts American clients and helps you invest in a tax-compliant way. Book a consultation today!



We guess you already know FATCA?

This agreement makes it roughly impossible for Americans living in German to invest into stocks, funds or similar. Have you already been rejected by your banker while opening some investment account? You no longer have to look for a solution. We got your back with our long-term investment plan!


Key-Value: One of the onliest possibilities for Americans in Germany to invest into the stock market!

  • Take advantage of tax-deferred growth on your investments, allowing your money to compound faster over time
  • Avoid capital gains taxes on any profits earned from selling investments within your portfolio.
  • Only pay tax on half of the gains if the capital is used for retirement.
  • Invest in a portfolio designed to generate long-term growth and returns
  • Current 5 years performance = 11,71% p.a. (state 03/2023)
  • Diversify your investments across various asset classes to mitigate risk and maximize potential gains.
  • Invest as much or as little as you want, only a minimum requirement of 50€ monthly.
  • Enjoy the freedom to make withdrawals at any time (see details below).
  • Change your investment focus at any time free of charge and taxes (switch or shift funds)

The catch are only smaller limitations:

As we talk about a long-term investment - withdrawals initially possible from 3rd year onwards (minimum 1.000€ withdrawal and 3.000€ remaining capital to keep the account alive) – 60€ fee as this is a long-term plan and not designed for cashing out frequently.

Costs are calculated upfront – 2,5% on invested amount charged in the initial 5 years (details in the consultation session)

Book a consultation now!

Answer: FATCA stands for Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, which is a U.S. law aimed at preventing tax evasion by U.S. taxpayers with foreign accounts. It requires foreign financial institutions to report information about accounts held by U.S. taxpayers to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Due to the complexity and cost of complying with FATCA, many financial institutions in Germany do not accept American clients.

Answer: Yes, there is a solution. Our company has a product partner who accepts American clients and can help you invest in a tax-compliant way.

Answer: Our product partner offers a wide range of investment options, including mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and bond-related products. For further requirements from your end, please get in touch with us for a detailed discussion.

Answer: To get started, simply book a consultation with one of our consultants. They will discuss your investment goals and help you choose the right investment portfolio for your needs.

Answer: No, investing through our product partner should not affect your FATCA reporting requirements. Our partner is fully compliant with FATCA and will report all necessary information to the IRS on your behalf.

Answer: The fees associated with investing through our product partner vary depending on the specific investment options you choose. Our consultants will provide you with a clear breakdown of all fees and charges before you make any investment decisions.

Answer: Yes, you can invest in U.S. stocks and funds while living in Germany as an American. Our product partner offers a wide range of investment options, including those based in the United States. We recommend including U.S. stocks as well as the returns are very good!

Answer: As an American citizen, you may be subject to both U.S. and German taxes on your investments. Our advisors can help you navigate these tax implications on the German side and ensure that you are investing in a tax-efficient way.

Answer: The time it takes to open an investment account with us can vary depending on several factors, including the specific investment options you choose and the completeness of your application. However, our advisors will work with you to make the process as smooth and efficient as possible.

Answer: Our advisors are committed to providing ongoing support to our clients. They can help you monitor your investments, adjust your portfolio as needed, and answer any questions you may have.

Answer: Yes, there is a minimum investment required of 50€ monthly to open an account.

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