Have you been bitten by the “entrepreneurship bug”?

Founding a startup is an exciting and challenging task that can be really fun. A cool business idea, solid planning and the typical startup spirit are the best prerequisites for being successful with your startup and making our world a little bit better. The cornerstone is a always a well-functioning team.

Still, you are troubled about getting your new company up and running.

All startups go through the same development phases, each characterized by special tasks and risks. With my assistance, aspiring entrepreneurs can avoid countless setup, financing, recruitment and many other obstacles that might hold back and complicate a successful launch.

Why us

17 years of hands-on experience in launching highly successful startups, growth consulting, marketing and monetization planning, go-to-market strategies.

I present a proven track-record in various industries, from real-estate, web security to med-tech, software, hardware, e-commerce and more.

Based in the exciting startup hub of Berlin, I share my expertise with founders and entrepreneurs throughout Europe, making their dreams real.

Among My Services

Startup consultancy

  • Specification of business idea
  • Product market research
  • Concept validation
  • Creation of business model
  • Monetization concept

Founding Team recruitment

  • Co-founders with complementary skills
  • Key personnel and Talent acquisition

Investor Recruitment

  • Investment mapping
  • Support with funding applications
  • Investor Pitch storytelling composition

Web Presence

  • Corporate websites

Contact us

Have you been bitten by the “entrepreneurship bug”?

Founding a startup is an exciting and challenging task that can be really fun. A cool business idea, solid planning and the typical startup spirit are the best prerequisites for being successful with your startup and making our world a little bit better. The cornerstone is a always a well-functioning team.

Still, you are troubled about getting your new company up and running.

All startups go through the same development phases, each characterized by special tasks and risks. With my assistance, aspiring entrepreneurs can avoid countless setup, financing, recruitment and many other obstacles that might hold back and complicate a successful launch.

Why us

17 years of hands-on experience in launching highly successful startups, growth consulting, marketing and monetization planning, go-to-market strategies.

I present a proven track-record in various industries, from real-estate, web security to med-tech, software, hardware, e-commerce and more.

Based in the exciting startup hub of Berlin, I share my expertise with founders and entrepreneurs throughout Europe, making their dreams real.

Among My Services

Startup consultancy

  • Specification of business idea
  • Product market research
  • Concept validation
  • Creation of business model
  • Monetization concept

Founding Team recruitment

  • Co-founders with complementary skills
  • Key personnel and Talent acquisition

Investor Recruitment

  • Investment mapping
  • Support with funding applications
  • Investor Pitch storytelling composition

Web Presence

  • Corporate websites

Contact us

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