Turn your passion into a thriving business

Powerful frameworks

Peers to grow with

A life built on passion!

Wanting to build a business on your passion, but…

You need to step back and not just work in your business – but also on it!

In all offers we include a membership to the online university of Business Made Simple,

a continuously growing source of the best tips and tricks to run a successful business:

Premier one-on-one coaching

personal coaching on your business, starting with a thorough business health check and building on the proven frameworks of “Business made simple”, combined with our own coaching tools and 20 years of entrepreneurial experience.

High end Mastermind groups

Your own accountability and advisory board - grow with peers in different nisches, but with similar challenges. Building on the frameworks of Business made simple and the work of Napoleon Hill, one of the background figures of Mastermind groups. Monthly 4-hour meetings/calls, Inner-Circle no larger than 8 members, Combining the wisdom of the group to maximize momentum!

Business boosting workshops

workshops lasting between 4 hours and a weekend, with a spoken purpose and goal. An example is the “Hero on a mission” workshop to really ground yourself, finding an alignment between yourself and your business, and setting a life plan and the short and long term goals.

Discover what’s wrong with your business.

Get a customized plan to fix it.

Knowing what’s really going on with your business shouldn’t be a mystery.

In 12 minutes you’ll get a FREE, detailed report (50+ pages) on the health of your business and a customized plan to make it more profitable.

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