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Theresa Pettigrew Beason

Improve Your Relationships


Learn Step-by-Step How to Apply the Principle of Love to Your Life, Improve Your Communication Skills, and Find Your Joy.

It all starts with a Foundation of Love.

Here you’ll get that done and more in less than 45 days.

Tired of Taking Care of the Needs of Others While Your Own Needs Continue to Be Neglected?

All that’s about to change. You’ve served, helped, supported, and encouraged everybody else. Now it’s your time.

FACT: It doesn’t have to take years or even months to get your life moving in the direction that you want it to go.

The longer you wait, the more doubt deepens.

It’s time to start believing that what you want is possible for your life. Upgrade your thinking, relationships, communication skills, and overall happiness. Get unstuck. Ditch the excuses. And trade overwhelm for momentum with our step-by-step, easy to follow roadmap. You’re in the right place. Welcome to your next level.


PROGRAM helps you develop the skills and mindset you need to build healthy relationships within 45 days.

Hello, To the Future You!

I’m Theresa Pettigrew Beason, an emotional wellness expert + relationship coach to ambitious women of faith. I’m so glad you’re here.

I’ve been a professional counselor and paid emotional wellness expert for the last 20+ years, helping hundreds of women deal with some of their greatest struggles. I don’t come from legacy connections, but I do come from a strong belief that all things are possible when we align with Heaven’s master mission, message and plan for our lives. And, I believe that Love is the key to your breakthrough.

I’ve dealt with rejection, heartbreak, grief and loss. I’ve also hired coaches to help me gain the clarity and insight that I needed to move towards the life I desired, and to help me enhance the quality of my relationships. I’m a wife and mother who loves her family and it’s the quality of my relationships that help to make me who I am today.

We’re the next generation of the women, called to share our love and joy with the world and help build healthy families, communities, and organizations. Obviously you’ve got the desire. Let me give you a step-by-step plan that moves you from frustration to love and joy.

This Premium Coaching Program is for you IF You're Ready to:

  • Change Your Life From the Inside-out
  • Master the Art of Love
  • Effectively Manage Your Emotions
  • Learn How to Love Yourself
  • Learn How to Develop Healthy Relationships
  • Learn How to Manage Toxic Relationships
  • Map Out Your Strategy for Your Breakthrough
  • Learn How to Manage Your Thoughts
  • Cultivate a Healthy Mindset Daily
  • Learn How to Stop Cycling Through the Same Old Pain and Disappointment
  • Create Your Action Plan to Cultivate Love

Your tomorrow is depending on you to make the right moves, the right decisions, and to take the right steps today.

Return to Love is the open door to the power, love, and self-control you’re searching for.

What’s included?

6 Weeks of Live Virtual Coaching

You’ll have weekly virtual sessions with Q &A. This is an opportunity to get feedback on your current challenges, ideas, and relationship strategies.

Return To Love Roadmap + Step by Step Curriculum

Our system and step-by-step framework will show you how to develop a strategy for managing your thoughts, emotions, and your relationships leading to greater joy and fulfillment.

Return To Love Workbook

The workbook is your place to journal your thoughts, ideas, and it goes deeper into the faith-based principle of love. Use it during your devotional time to create a mindset of love.

Return To Love Playlist

You’ll get access to the Return to Love Playlist. You‘ll experience the music Theresa used to tap into the power of love and forgiveness. You’ll use the playlist to cultivate an atmosphere that opens your heart to experience breakthrough.


We put quite a bit of time into thinking about the tuition. If you’re not familiar with my journey in building a premium coaching business, my specialty over the last decade has been in providing high-level consultation and offering personal development training at a premium. I believe self-investment is the wisest investment a woman of faith can make. And, I believe we should actively + joyously invest in our spiritual + personal growth. My goal is to always model for women of faith what it looks like to operate as a wealthy thought leader so that you can do the same. It’s a waste of time to learn from someone who isn’t charging what you would like to charge.


We’re delighted to invite you to MASTER THE ART OF LOVE at the tuition below. These frameworks and materials will be yours for a lifetime. And, you’ll have 6 months access to the content.

Tuition is just $1,997

Pay in Full Bonus Art Expression Session

Tuition is just $1,997

Pay in Full Bonus Art Expression Session

Get Art Expression Video Workshop for FREE ($50 value) When You Pay In Full

Payment Option

Investment $1997 2-Pay Installment Plan Available at Checkout.

Pay in two installments and get started today for $997. Your first payment processes immediately and the remaining balance processes in 30 days.

Meet Theresa

Theresa Pettigrew Beason is a love and relationship strategist, emotional wellness expert, and author. She helps women cut through emotional and spiritual roadblocks so they can upgrade their relationships, communication skills, and overall emotional well-being. This mental health expert is a master at teaching the art of love, she helps women tap into their inner wisdom and power to create the life they want and deserve.

As the Chairwoman of The Art of Love Institute, her firm’s courses, events, and results-based coaching programs equip professionals to improve their relationships at work, at home, and with themselves. Her signature program is Return To Love.

She has been a guest presenter at the University of Houston, Texas Southern University, and a number of faith-based organizations and non-profits.

Theresa has learned how to use the power of love to heal her life and relationships. She has coached hundreds of women on how to master their emotions and get their breakthrough. She’s been a facilitator of The Art of Love Workshops, Led Painting and Healing Parties, and has been a Teacher and Mentor for over a decade.

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