
Volume Breakdown Analysis
Income Activity Worksheet

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Watch this instructional video from Todd Walters on Volume Breakdown!

Download the Volume Breakdown Analysis PDF HERE

Your Primary Aim.

How would you define a successful and enjoyable career in real estate?

I would describe it this way:

How many of you could describe your real estate career in this way?

The trouble in this industry is that the “hours worked = compensation” equation has traditionally been an “either / or” situation. In other words, you EITHER make a lot of money and have no life outside your job, OR you do have a life outside real estate but don’t make enough money.

What’s worse, for many agents, the equation is entirely unbalanced. There are many, many agents operating today who kill themselves with grueling 80+ hour weeks AND barely make enough money to survive. Maybe this even describes you.

According to the National Association of Realtors, 80% of new agents do not make it through the first year. Just as daunting is the fact that more and more real estate veterans are packing it in because they’re finding they just can’t make what used to work, work anymore: they’re working far too hard to justify what’s left in their pocket at the end of the day.

Why is this? Well, part of the problem is that the real estate market is changing so dramatically:

Who will survive in the long term? Well, surely not the solo agent who’s slugging it out by him or herself, burning the candle at both ends. They may shine brightly for a certain period of time, but sooner or later they’ll run out of wick to burn, and then they’ll simply burn out (they may win the sprint, but they can’t do the marathon). Others run out of gas even before seeing success. Either way, this “model” of work-like-a-mad-dog is wrong.

Why did you get into real estate in the first place? I’ll tell you why. Because you imagined that it would give you the freedom and cash to be able to live the lifestyle you wanted. But what has really happened?

Well, if you’re like most agents, you’re a slave to all the little details you have to accomplish. You know there are bigger issues and ideas out there that could improve your life, but you just don’t have time to get to them, and before your eyes, another day, month, year has passed you by. And you’re still working way too hard.

How satisfied are you with the money you make and the hours you work? At the end of the day, how much time is left over for you and your family?

The problem is that your real estate career, which was supposed to support your life, has now consumed your life. The job which was supposed to give you freedom is doing the very opposite — it’s taking your freedom away. This is wrong! All perspective is lost. You’re just a rat on the wheel who’s going to wake up one day and wonder how you can possibly be stuck in the same old place when you’ve been running so incredibly hard.

The problem is, you’re looking at it all wrong. You’re stuck in a paradigm which says “this is the way it is . . . there’s no other way”.

But there is another way. That’s why we started Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty – a different way — a better way to sell real estate — so that it grows and thrives and feeds you (rather than bleeds you).

You must change your paradigm to survive.

Your Strategic Aim

Now that you’ve looked at the big picture, it’s time to design a picture of a business that helps facilitate your Primary Aim (i.e. the big picture). How can you make your business do what it is supposed to do to serve your life? The answers to this question will form your Strategic Aim (or Business Plan).

There are some broad concepts I want to explain to you first that are at the root of Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty. It’s important for you to have an understanding of these concepts before you tackle your Strategic Aim.

The concepts are as follows:

  • The 3 Personalities Identified by Michael Gerber in the E-myth (The Entrepreneur, the Manager, and the Technician).
  • The Difference Between Working “in” Your Business and “on” Your Business.
  • The Concept of Leverage.


The Entrepreneur, the Manager, and the Technician

Let’s start by understanding the common problem that lies at the root of most business failures.

Everybody who goes into business is actually three people in one:

  • The Entrepreneur
  • The Manager
  • The Technician

Each of these personalities wants to be the boss.

None of them wants to have a boss.

So, they start a business together in order to get rid of the boss . . . and the conflict begins

The Entrepreneur

  • The Entrepreneur dreams.
  • Our creative personality.
  • Lives in the future.
  • The visionary, the dreamer, the creative energy.
  • Thrives on change.
  • Sees the opportunity.
  • Craves control.
  • Without the Entrepreneur there would be no innovation.

The Manager

  • The Manager frets.
  • Our systematic personality.
  • Lives in the past.
  • The pragmatist, the planner, the organizer.
  • Clings to the status quo.
  • Sees the problem.
  • Craves order.
  • Without the manager, there would be no planning, no order, no predictability; there would be no business or society.

The Technician

  • The Technician ruminates.
  • Our active personality.
  • Lives in the present.
  • The doer, the tinkerer.
  • Takes things apart to put them back together.
  • Sees the thing at hand.
  • Craves a technical challenge.
  • Without the technician, things wouldn’t get done.

We all have an Entrepreneur, Manager and Technician inside of us, and if they were equally balanced, we’d be describing an incredibly competent individual. Unfortunately, the typical small business owner is 10% Entrepreneur, 20% Manager and 70% Technician.

Working On Your Business, Not In it.

We’ve already made an important revelation that . . .

. . . your business is not your life

Your business and your life are completely separate things. Your business is something apart from you, with its own needs, its own rules, and its own purposes. An organism, you might say, that will live or die according to how well it performs its sole function: to find and keep customers.

Once you recognize that your life is not your business, but something your business must serve, you can begin to go to work on your business rather than in it. This is where you can put the Franchise Prototype to work for you. Where working on your business rather than in your business will become the central theme of your daily activity, the prime catalyst for everything you do from this moment forward.

Pretend that the business you own – or want to own – is the prototype, or will be the prototype, for 5,000 more just like it. That your business is going to serve as the model for 5,000 more just like it. Perfect replicas. Clones. In other words, pretend that you are going to franchise your business. (Note I said pretend. I’m not saying that you should. That isn’t necessary – unless, of course, you want to).

Further, pretend that there are standards you have to abide by in order to pull this off. In other words, there are rules of the game.

These rules are:

  • The model will be operated by people with the lowest possible level of skill.
  • The model will stand out as a place of impeccable order.
  • All work in the model will be documented in Operation Manuals.
  • The model will provide a uniformly predictable service to the consumer.


Your business must serve your life!

If your business is not serving your life on some level, you should be taking steps to either change your business or get out of your business. You should be working to live — not living to work.

If you and your business are to grow and thrive, you must begin to work on your business rather than in it.

What does this mean?

It means that rather than making the hamburger, you analyze the hamburger and figure out if there’s a bigger, better, faster, cheaper way to make it. It means analyzing the market and your customers, and determining if hamburgers are even the thing you should be making in the first place – or whether perhaps tacos or pancakes will make you succeed instead.

In other words, it means stepping outside The Technician’s shoes and looking at the big picture. If all you do day in and day out is churn out job after job, you’ll never find a better way to do these jobs, and you’ll never attract significant new business to your doorstep. If, instead, you can take a step back and analyze how and why things run, you can find ways to make your business bigger, better, more efficient.

As you map out your Strategic Aim (i.e. your Business Plan), ask yourself the following questions:

  • Who are my customers?
  • What do my customers want? What do they need?
  • How is my business fulfilling these needs?
  • How are my competitors addressing these needs?
  • What could I do differently in my business to serve my customers better?
  • Is there a gap between what I’m doing for my customers and what I need to do?
  • How should I close this gap? With people (ie assistants)? With technology? With new
  • programs? New products? Improved knowledge?
  • How much money do I want my business to earn?
  • How will I achieve this level of earning (be specific)?

These are just a few of the questions you might ask yourself when working on your business. The answers become the standards against which you can begin to measure your business’ progress.

You CAN develop your own plan as laid out here. Or… you can COPY!

Agents at Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty are handed a super profitable sales team business plan – the same one that I used to go from Broke, Homeless, owing my grandmother $40,000 plus interest I had borrowed for a failed Pizza Business, to a super successful team selling 400-500 homes a year. A PLAN that ultimately took me to 8,000+ home sales, earning $40 Million or more in commissions, retiring from having to sell real estate at age 39. No hype! All of this is well documented in our book – Death of the Traditional Real Estate Agent, Rise of the Super Profitable Real Estate Sales Team Business.

As we’ve discussed, most of us sincerely give our business everything we’ve got. Working 25 hours a day and 8 days a week, we burn the candle at both ends . . . and still wind up short. How is it that we can put so much into our business and still have so much left undone? How many of us pray for another few hours in every day, or muse about how productive we’d be if only we could clone ourselves.

Now, as we’ve identified, the reason this happens is that we let the Technician rule. The problem is that while we work hard, most of us work only within the limits of ourselves. And when we run out of time, we have no more to give. And we’ll always run out of time.

We work hard … but we don’t work smart.

You can’t make more hours, and there’s a limit to what you personally can do in any given space of time, but you can leverage resources outside yourself to exponentially magnify what you get done.

Leverage is the power to maximize

results with the least amount of

energy, time, money, and risk

on your part

Agents at Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty leverage in three ways (same as I did):




Marketing is reverse prospecting. I will teach you the marketing mind set – i.e. how to leverage yourself through marketing and get your prospects to call you (rather than you calling them).


Leverage your time through the efforts of others. The role of your assistants is to perform the tasks that free you to focus on activities where you can change the outcome.


Technology can be used to amass and track volumes of data which would be impossible to organize by hand. It can speed up and invent processes. It makes these processes more efficient and allows them to be easily duplicated. Technology makes things that were impossible, possible. We will become more and more dependent on technology in the future.

By leveraging yourself in these three important areas, you can turn your job into a business

It’s important to understand that the way to achieve maximum leverage in each of these three areas is to create duplicatable systems to engineer the result you’re looking for.

We have already created these duplicatable systems for you and thus vastly shortened the learning curve. If you would like to learn more about Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty…

Let us know.

You can call us at 866-219-5029, email us at: richagent@yhsgr.com or text us at 678-538-9367.

If you are not quite ready to talk with us about increasing your business but you would like to learn more… download a free PDF ‘The Definitive Guide to Increasing Your Real Estate Business by 300% or More Without Giving Up Your Personal Life to Do It’ at


On the following pages is one of the best tools ever invented for agents.   Craig gave me this Income Activity Worksheet in the late 90’s.  I used it to organize myself and help the agents on my team do the same.

At Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty, agents use this and the rest of the exclusive plan to go from Solo to Top Producer to Super Profitable Sales Team.

If you would like to see MORE of the exclusive PLAN and SYSTEM at Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty, just give us a call, we’d be happy to share it with you.

Go Serve Big!!!
Todd Walters

You can call us at 866-219-5029, email us at: richagent@yhsgr.com or text us at 678-538-9367.

If you are not quite ready to talk with us about increasing your business but you would like to learn more… download a free PDF ‘The Definitive Guide to Increasing Your Real Estate Business by 300% or More Without Giving Up Your Personal Life to Do It’ at


On the following pages is one of the best tools ever invented for agents.   Craig gave me this Income Activity Worksheet in the late 90’s.  I used it to organize myself and help the agents on my team do the same.

At Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty, agents use this and the rest of the exclusive plan to go from Solo to Top Producer to Super Profitable Sales Team.

If you would like to see MORE of the exclusive PLAN and SYSTEM at Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty, just give us a call, we’d be happy to share it with you.

Go Serve Big!!!
Todd Walters

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